Staff in Tallahassee, FL

Teacher and Students in Tallahassee, FL
All teachers have the Florida Child Development Associate Equivalency, a National Child Development Associate, or appropriate college degree. All Ann's Preschool staff meets the State requirements for training. This involves a specific number of hours that introduce them to State regulations concerning childcare programs, abuse and neglect and child development. In addition to this, Ann's provides continuous training for all employees. All teachers maintain current first aid and CPR certification and meet all employment screening required by the state.
Owner/Director: Mrs. Alex
Assistant Director: Ms. Zaria

Lead Teacher/VPK/Kindergarten (Older 4's and 5's): Mrs. Alex 

Cricket II Teacher (4 year olds): Ms. Zaria 

Cricket I Teacher (Older 3's): Ms. Olivia

Bumblebees (2+ to 3 year olds): Ms. Kim
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